Updated - I Am Seeing '403-FORBIDDEN' When I Share My Link

Facebook isn't super friendly towards affiliate links, so sometimes there's the occasional 403 Forbidden error if you share your link inside Facebook messenger.

The link will actually work fine, but we understand how ugly and off-putting this could look!

Here's a simple 5 second fix

1) Go to https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/

2) Enter your affiliate link, and press 'Debug'

3) Press Scrape / Scrape again a few times until you see Response 403 change to Response 200.

Then this error is solved.

Facebook seems to be unpredictable in how long it does this for, but anytime you see this error, this is the super quick fix!


Please continue to use your normal affiliate link.

p.s - If after refreshing several times, you're still receiving 403, Inside Paykickstart, create a new link, and try that one.

p.p.s - Debug the http:// and the https:// of the affiliate link

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